Category Archives: vlc-iphone

Remote Off : Turn off your computer when you are done…

After I released VLC remote, a bunch of users asked me to add an ability for them to turn off the computer when they had finished watching shows.

So, I built Off Remote. It lets you turn off your Windows or Mac computer from your iPhone.

(Parents have also pointed out to me that it lets them check whether their kids have turned off their computers!)

Whether you use it to turn off your computers at night, or after watching shows – it makes life a little easier and saves a bit of energy!

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Available for iPad too…

Update: VLC Remote is now a universal app. This means it works brilliantly on both iPad and iPhone.

Hi Folks,

VLC Remote now has an iPad version too. It has much the same functionality as the iPhone version – but makes use of the bigger screen and the different interaction approaches.

It took quite a bit of work to build, so I’m selling it as a separate application. -Though of course you can still use your iPhone version on the iPad if you prefer.

I hope you like it!

One for your Android friends…

Some folks use Android Phones!

I just released a version of VLC Remote for Android so that they can get the same control as iPhone and Pre users have already.

It’s tough to break into a new platform, so please do help me spread the word!

Details are available at or you can click here to send a download link to your Android Device.

As with the iPhone and the Pre, there is even a free version with limited features for them to try out!

Thank you.

Translate Me!

I added a bunch of new features recently, and that means that a lot of the strings are not translated into your language.

The answer is simple – log in to and update the translations!

Users have translated VLC remote into 15 languages, but you can update those translations, improve them, or add new languages altogether!

Thanks in advance,


DVD Controls (and more!)

I finally figured a way to get VLC to accept DVD controls from the remote.

It’s all there in VLC remote 4.0 – so update now.

Please note though – you will have to run the latest setup helper again (version 2.5 or higher) even if VLC remote is already working for you. This is because it needs to make some additional changes to VLC’s files in order for DVD controls to work.

4.0 also features
-aspect ratio control
-subtitle control
-audio track control
-delays control
-multitouch sliders (more on that later)


And if you enjoy the update, please do leave a review at iTunes. They really help me.

Tip: Access external drives

(requires paid version of VLC Remote)

Unfortunately, VLC doesn’t recognise aliases or shortcuts (it just tries to play them), so these won’t help you.

There is a dedicated drive button in the browse page that will take you to your full drive list. If you are using Windows and don’t see your external drive, then you may need to make sure that your external drive is mapped to a drive letter.

You can even set your external drive as your default directory to make browsing faster in future. Just tap on the heart/folder icon when you are in the drive you want and that will become your default folder for when you next launch this remote.

Why the News?

Thanks for reading this far.

I was looking for a way to communicate with users of my apps – and this seemed to be a good approach. My hope is that it is simple enough to be unintrusive, but also obvious enough for you to read if you are interested.

I’m used to working in a community where there is a lot more direct communication between users and developers – but that is tough to manage through the app store. Hence the ‘in app news’

My intent is to use this channel to let people know about updates, new features and other apps that I’m working on. I’ll be adding tips and requests for beta testers too.

If you have any comments or suggestions, then let me know at

Thanks for using my apps!