Every now and then, I’m frustrated that SwiftUI is missing an obvious environment variable. I really expected it to have
@Environment(.keyboardShowing) var keyboardShowing
It doesn’t. But you can make your own. Simple example of how you use it here:
struct KeyboardIndicatorApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
// Simple modifier injects the new environment variable
struct ContentView: View {
//You can then read it in any view
@Environment(\.keyboardShowing) var keyboardShowing
@FocusState private var isTextFieldFocused: Bool
@State private var text:String = ""
var body: some View {
TextField("Type Something...", text: $text)
.safeAreaInset(edge: .trailing) {
//Button shows if keyboard is showing
Button {
isTextFieldFocused = false
} label: {
Image(systemName: "keyboard.chevron.compact.down")
.opacity(keyboardShowing ? 1 : 0)
In this example, we show a ‘keyboard down’ button if the keyboard is showing. The button clears focus and hides the keyboard.
Note – this is a VERY contrived example. In this simple case, you could just use the @FocusState for the same job.
In my use case, the ‘hide keyboard’ button and the text field are in different parts of my view tree – so using the environment variable avoids having to create a more complex data-passing solution.
The implementation is based on this Stack Overflow answer, but with the addition of wrapping the publisher up into a view modifier, and using that to set an environment variable.
public extension View {
/// Sets an environment value for keyboardShowing
/// Access this in any child view with
/// @Environment(\.keyboardShowing) var keyboardShowing
/// You should add the modifier near the top of your view hierarchy (to RootView / ContentView or similar)
/// On MacOS, this is always false
func addKeyboardVisibilityToEnvironment() -> some View {
private struct KeyboardShowingEnvironmentKey: EnvironmentKey {
static let defaultValue: Bool = false
public extension EnvironmentValues {
var keyboardShowing: Bool {
get { self[KeyboardShowingEnvironmentKey.self] }
set { self[KeyboardShowingEnvironmentKey.self] = newValue }
private struct KeyboardVisibility:ViewModifier {
#if os(macOS)
fileprivate func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.environment(\.keyboardShowing, false)
@State var isKeyboardShowing:Bool = false
private var keyboardPublisher: AnyPublisher<Bool, Never> {
.publisher(for: UIResponder.keyboardWillShowNotification)
.map { _ in true },
.publisher(for: UIResponder.keyboardDidHideNotification)
.map { _ in false })
.debounce(for: .seconds(0.1), scheduler: RunLoop.main)
fileprivate func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.environment(\.keyboardShowing, isKeyboardShowing)
.onReceive(keyboardPublisher) { value in
isKeyboardShowing = value
Creating our own environment value is very simple, and wrapping the whole thing up in a view modifier makes it really clean to add to a project.
I have added this to my HSSwiftUI package of useful SwiftUI extensions.
I’m building an app which needs to load Objective C files. If the user gives me access to the ‘.m’ file, I need to be able to open the ‘.h’ file.
You don’t get this ability without a bit of a dance. I didn’t find any clear tutorial or example, so I’m adding one now.
Firstly – define the related filetypes that you want to access by adding the file extension to document types in your info.plist Here, I have added h as an an extension type, and set NSIsRelatedItemType to true.
Now, you can access the file – but only by using a FilePresenter. And the file presenter _must_ be registered with NSFileCoordinator
class RelatedFilePresenter: NSObject, NSFilePresenter {
var primaryPresentedItemURL: URL?
var presentedItemURL: URL?
var presentedItemOperationQueue: OperationQueue = OperationQueue.main
enum Fail:Error {
case unableToConstrucURL
init(primaryItemURL: URL) {
self.primaryPresentedItemURL = primaryItemURL
func readDataFromRelated(fileExtension:String,
completion:(Result<Data, Error>)->Void) {
presentedItemURL = primaryPresentedItemURL?.deletingPathExtension().appendingPathExtension(fileExtension)
guard let url = presentedItemURL else {
let fc = NSFileCoordinator(filePresenter: self)
var error:NSError?
fc.coordinate(readingItemAt: url,
options: .withoutChanges,
error: &error) { (url) in
do {
let data = try Data(contentsOf: url, options: .uncached)
} catch {
if let error {
This class provides a method to read the data from a related file, but you could adapt it for any other operation.
You can then read the data with something like
let filePresenter = RelatedFilePresenter(primaryItemURL: mFileURL)
filePresenter.readDataFromRelated(fileExtension: "h") { result in
if case .success(let data) = result {
//do something with data
I’m going to have a shot at defining what @MainActor does, and what it does not guarantee.
I keep seeing tutorials and talks explaining @MainActor with something like the following quote
Isolation to the main actor is expressed with the MainActor attribute.
This attribute can be applied to a function or closure to indicate that the code must run on the main actor.
Then, we say that this code is isolated to the main actor.
The Swift compiler will guarantee that main-actor-isolated code will only be executed on the main thread, using the same mechanism that ensures mutually exclusive access to other actors.
– Eliminate data races using Swift Concurrency – WWDC 2022
This quote is simply untrue.
The Swift compiler absolutely 100% does not guarantee that main-actor-isolated code will only be executed on the main thread.
An untrue ‘promise’ is much more dangerous than no promise at all.
There is no real documentation on what @MainActor actually does. The best you can get is probably to look at the Swift Evolution proposals.
Two relevant ones are the proposal for actors (SE-0306) and global actors (SE-0316) I have no idea whether these are the only relevant ones, or whether they have been superseded.
There is no good way that I’m aware of to tell – other than having an intimate knowledge of all the proposals (which I do not).
I have been banging on for ages about how Apple should document this critical part of Swift, but they haven’t.
So I’m going to give it a go.
This will undoubtably be wrong in subtle and important ways!
Please let me know when you discover more edge cases, and I’ll update accordingly.
Current update: XCode 14.1, 21 Nov 2022
What is considered @MainActor
Starting with the obvious, any method or variable directly annotated with @MainActor
Next up – any method or variable in a class which is marked @MainActor – or in it’s extensions
Similarly – any method or variable in a class where one of it’s parents is marked @MainActor (This happens a lot when you’re using UIKit and AppKit)
What is considered @MainActor – Protocols…
Protocols are more subtle…
A method is treated as @MainActor if
Declaration – Both of these apply: a) The protocol declares the method as @MainActor b) The method is declared in the same block where the protocol conformance is declared
Usage: c) The object being called is ‘seen’ as an instance of the protocol – and not the original class
In the example below, ProtOne and ProtThree meet the ‘Declaration’ rules, so the relevant methods are always considered @MainActor
The more subtle case is illustrated with ProtTwo
The conformance is declared as an empty extension, The method is declared in the main block, so the ‘Declaration’ rules do not make it @MainActor
If you call two on a Foo object, it is treated as NOT @MainActor If you call two on a Foo object which is being ‘seen’ as a ProtTwo – then it IS treated as @MainActor
When is @MainActor ignored?
The swift compiler tries to figure out when @MainActor methods are being called – and tries to ensure that they are called on the main thread.
Because this is a compiler technology – it can only work at compile time.
Because it is extremely complex – it probably misses edge cases.
I’m not knowledgable enough to say for sure exactly why the following cases are actually ignored.
Some seem like dynamic code which is effectively running after the compiler checks…
For the examples, I use the two classes below.
Bar is the ‘pure swift’ version, OBar is annotated to allow ObjC interoperability.
I have separated Bar and OBar to illustrate that the issues don’t only happen when you use @ObjC interoperability, but all the examples work fine with OBar.
mainVar and mainFunc() are intended to be called on the main thread only.
In each case, I show code where mainVar or mainFunc are not called on the main thread.
(please let me know if you find more cases!)
– Keypaths
Keypaths completely ignore Swift Concurrency. This will call mainVar on a background thread
– Selectors
Calling a selector directly bypasses any Swift Concurrency Checks This calls mainVar on a background thread
– Objective C
Any time your @MainActor variable or method is called by ObjectiveC, concurrency rules are ignored
In this example, Swift calls MyObjC on the background thread – but the same problem exists if Swift calls an ObjC method, and _that_ method then moves to a background thread.
You can even pass pure swift code to ObjectiveC as a block – and it will be run. This one does at least generate a warning message
This situation is very common whenever you have a delegate pattern and ObjC code
This is a massively simplified example, but it is essentially what lots of Apple frameworks do. You call a class, and it calls you back via your delegate.
The Swift code here generates no warnings – but calls mainFunc on a background thread
– Any Library/Framework with a delegate, or a block callback (possibly)
This isn’t technically a separate case, but it is important enough to be worth emphasising.
Whenever you call a Framework or Library, you don’t know how they have implemented their code.
That means that any callback may be using Objective C, or might be ‘seeing’ your class as a Protocol, or could be using some other dynamic coding approach.
One of the first times I came across this in my own code was when using NSAlert in MacOS.
Clicking the ‘ok’ button sometimes called back on a background thread.
Apple coding is full of examples where this problem _might_ exist; CoreBluetooth, NSNotificationCentre, any third party Networking Framework just to take some super-obvious examples.
And the behaviour in those libraries/frameworks can change from version to version.
If you need to be sure – then you need to manually dispatch your code to the main queue
Swift Concurrency is GREAT.
I use it in all my code now, and it massively simplifies async work.
It is a highly impressive technical achievement. But it doesn’t magically fix everything – and the perception that it might is dangerous.
I think it is shameful that Apple has not provided documentation on exactly what it guarantees. This should be covered in the swift guide, with perhaps a tech note on the more subtle details.
Apple should not be making false claims about what it does in WWDC talks.
My hope is that they’ll provide proper documentation and I can deprecate this article…
PS: Top Tip…
Update – Add flag for warnings…
You can add a build flag to generate warnings when a @MainActor func/var is called on a background thread. It doesn’t stop @MainActor methods from being called in the background – but it at least generates a purple runtime warning for you to investigate.
The flag is -Xfrontend -enable-actor-data-race-checks
Add it to ‘Other Swift Flags’
Update – Binding doesn’t enforce @MainActor!
Rather surprisingly – Binding is an example of callbacks from code you don’t control which can ignore @MainActor. If you create your binding in an @MainActor context, then the setter/getter are considered @MainActor by the compiler – even though in fact they can be called from any thread.
Update – Words from a swift compiler engineer
I just had a really interesting chat with a swift compiler engineer during WWDC labs. Their take was that every time @MainActor code is called off the main thread – then that’s a simple straightforward bug. There is no limit to their ambition to enforce correctness here!
At this stage, I’m just riffing on different ways to ‘break’ swift concurrency.
I wondered if protocols would provide an opportunity, and indeed they do!
Take this scenario. We have a simple protocol – but the class implements it with an @MainActor annotation.
If you do this all within the main class definition, then you get a warning
However, you can declare conformance in an extension and make it @MainActor No warning here
Or perhaps more confusingly – you can declare your whole class @MainActor, then just conform ‘normally’ in the extension
– in this last case, I wasn’t sure whether it would actually be treated as an @MainActor variable – but I tested, and indeed it is.
So – we have three ways of conforming to a protocol which _doesn’t_ require @MainActor – but in each case, we have required @MainActor in our implementation
Swift Concurrency will use the MainThread for an instance which it recognises as Bar, and won’t bother for an instance it recognises as Thing
I can see the logic here – but once again, @MainActor isn’t guaranteeing anything. The actual call depends subtly on what kind of thing the compiler recognises.
So – we have three subtly different ways of generating exactly the same code. One of them generates a compile-time warning, the other two do not.
I generally prefer declaring conformance to a protocol in an extension – I had no idea that meant I would get different compile-time warnings.
Sometimes the method is called on Main – Sometimes not!
func makeBar() -> Bar {
return Bar()
func breakWithProtocol() {
Task {
var bar:Bar = await makeBar()
//The compiler recognises a Bar and insists we call asynchronously
//It will call on the main thread
_ = await bar.thing
Task {
let thing:Thing = await makeBar()
//The compiler just sees a Thing here - so it calls directly on a background thread
_ = thing.thing
I just wish Apple would clearly document what it actually guarantees
Generally, sites (including Apple) explain that marking a function with @MainActor guarantees that it will always run on main.
By adding the new @MainActor annotation to Photos, the compiler will guarantee that the properties and methods on Photos are only ever accessed from the main actor.
Discover Concurrency in SwiftUI – Apple
This simply isn’t true.
Here are five simple functions that cause a @MainActor function to run on a background thread…
class OnMain:NSObject {
func noCanFail() {
guard Thread.isMainThread else {
fatalError("not on main")
print("Did Not Fail!")
//Just call the selector directly. Swift doesn't care
func breakWithSelector() {
Task {
// Get some Objective C code to call the 'protected' function
// The objective C code is simply
// [[OnMain new] noCanFail];
func breakByCallingObjC() {
Task {
//NSNotification centre calls you back on whatever thread the notification was posted
//It doesn't care about Swift Concurrency
func breakByNotification() {
let notification = Notification.Name("Cheeky")
let center = NotificationCenter.default
selector: #selector(self.noCanFail),
name: notification,
object: nil)
Task {
center.post(name: notification, object: nil)
//Surprisingly, even with block syntax, you get the fatal error
//At least there is a warning in this one
func breakByNotification2() {
let notification2 = Notification.Name("Cheeky2")
let queue = OperationQueue()
let center = NotificationCenter.default
center.addObserver(forName: notification2,
object: nil,
queue: queue) { _ in
//No need to post from a task this time!
center.post(name: notification2, object: nil)
//Objective C will just run the block for us by calling
//At least there is a warning in this one
func breakWithBlock() {
Task {
Trouble.run {
func breakFoo() {
let foo = Foo()
let library = MyLibrary(delegate: foo)
Two of these functions generate a warning in XCode 14.1 -three don’t. They all trigger fatal errors when they end up calling noCanFail on a background thread.
This isn’t by any means an exclusive list.
The most obvious point where bugs like this can bite you is that any time you have a callback function from a system framework (such as bluetooth discovery, or even an Alert), or from a third party framework like a networking library – then it _could_ call back on any thread.
You might get lucky – but in this scenario, @MainActor does precisely nothing.
To my mind, the great sin here is not that Swift Concurrency has edge cases.
The great sin is that Swift Concurrency is presented as if it ‘just works’ – when in fact there are important caveats that you need to manage.
@MainActor is barely documented by Apple. There is a single oblique reference to it in ‘the Swift Programming Language’
It is a core part of the language, it’s ridiculous that Apple doesn’t have clear documentation on what it actually does.
The Rules (?)
My understanding is something like the following:
@MainActor works as long as you…
Are calling from your own code
Are not using selectors
You only use Swift
You don’t use any other form of concurrency (like OperationQueue)
NB – I am not claiming that these rules are 100% correct. There are probably edge cases even within these rules.
Apple should document what the real rules are.
Rule #1 is trickier than you might think…
It is up to you to ensure that any code which is protected by @MainActor is only called directly from your own code.
If you have a callback from a library/framework, and that calls a function, which calls a function, which eventually calls your protected function – then that’s a problem.
This is true even if you’re providing a callback to an Apple framework like SKStoreKit
It’s _really_ easy to miss something like this.
Imagine the following common pattern
class Foo:NSViewController {
//perhaps conforming to some delegate protocol...
extension Foo:MyLibraryDelegate {
func someCallback() {
You have a UIViewController or an NSViewController.
That does calls a framework/library (perhaps SKStoreKit or a networking library)
The delegate is able to call noCanFail() in the extension here because the whole class has inherited @MainActor from NSViewController
The library is something trivial that ends up calling the delegate off the main thread
Once again – a fatal error. No warnings in the compiler (at least not with default XCode settings)
Swift Concurrency is great. I’ll continue to use it.
Update – Add flag for warnings…
Thomas Goyne pointed out that that you can add a build flag to generate warnings in these cases. It doesn’t stop @MainActor methods from being called in the background – but it at least generates a purple runtime warning for you to investigate.
The flag is -Xfrontend -enable-actor-data-race-checks
Add it to ‘Other Swift Flags’
I’ll be adding this to all my projects.
Update – Keypaths…
Probably not surprising at this point. Keypaths seem to completely ignore Swift Concurrency
No Objective C involved here at all
var doNotFail:Int {
guard Thread.isMainThread else {
return 0
return 0
func breakWithKeypath() {
Task {
var array = [OnMain()]
var sorted = array.map(\.doNotFail)
doNotFail is merrily called on a background thread…
tldr – marking methods with @MainActor does not guarantee that they run on the main thread.
Swift has a magical new structured concurrency model.
‘using Swift’s language-level support for concurrency in code that needs to be concurrent means Swift can help you catch problems at compile time’
-the swift programming language
One of the new features is @MainActor. You can use this to annotate functions, classes, properties, etc.
this proposal introduces MainActor as a global actor describing the main thread. It can be used to require that certain functions only execute on the main thread
So – what does @MainActor do? I hoped to find some documentation, but other than the evolution proposal, I haven’t found any.
There are some tutorials out there which say things like:
all that we really need to know is that this new, built-in actor implementation ensures that all work that’s being run on it is always performed on the main queue.
My expectation is that calling the function printDate or the property mainDate will always run the code on the main thread. As such, they’ll always print “main: true” in their debug statements.
I created an async function which calls these
func doWork() async {
let _ = await Background().go()
print("returned from Background - now running off main thread")
print("calling mainDate in doWork")
self.storedDate = self.mainDate //sometimes not main thread
printDate("in doWork") //sometimes not main thread
The first call in the async function is to a background actor.
//Actor that isn't main - it does not run on the main thread
actor Background {
func go() -> Date {
print("Background go - main: \(Thread.isMainThread)")
return Date()
The effect of the background actor is simply to return from the await on a background (not main) thread.
This ensures that I’m not simply calling mainDate and printDate on the main thread by default.
I call doWork from a task responding to a button click
For good measure – I mark the task as @MainActor. My expectation was the following
in doWork(), it would return off the main thread after Background().go()
@MainActor annotation would ensure that calling self.mainDate would happen on the main thread – or there would be a compiler error
@MainActor annotation would ensure that calling self.storedDate would happen on the main thread – or there would be a compiler error
#2 and #3 are false. I get the following output when I run the code
returned from Background - now running off main thread
calling mainDate in doWork
@MainActor var - main: false
@MainActor func - in doWork - main: false
Note the last two lines print main:false – @MainActor isn’t keeping me on the main thread here…
Bizarrely – If include a print statement in my task, then everything _does_ run on the main thread!!!
@IBAction func doWorkInAsyncFunctionWithPrint(_ sender: Any) {
Task { @MainActor in
//Adding this print statement, magically makes everything in doWork run on the main thread!!!
await doWork()
gives the following “correct” output
Background go - main: false
returned from Background - now running off main thread
calling mainDate in doWork
@MainActor var - main: true
@MainActor func - in doWork - main: true
Similarly – if I call identical functions, but within a Task (and not even one annotated as @MainActor), then I get the “correct” results
@IBAction func doInTask(_ sender: Any) {
Task {
let _ = await Background().go()
print("returned from Background - now running off main thread")
print("calling mainDate doInTask")
self.storedDate = self.mainDate //main thread
printDate("in doInTask") // main thread
gives the following…
Background go - main: false
returned from Background - now running off main thread
calling mainDate doInTask
@MainActor var - main: true
@MainActor func - in doInTask - main: true
Is this even wrong?
Swift isn’t behaving as I would expect it to. That’s hardly damning!
I can’t find any formal documentation to compare against.
I can’t look up what the guarantee (if any) is that Swift provides when you annotate something with @MainActor
I have mostly learned from the brilliant resources provided by sites like swiftbysundell
all that we really need to know is that this new, built-in actor implementation ensures that all work that’s being run on it is always performed on the main queue.
The magic of @MainActor is that it automatically forces methods or whole types to run on the main actor, a lot of the time without any further work from us.
-hacking with swift
It seems that I’m not alone in what I expected @MainActor to do. Perhaps this is a bug. Perhaps it is expected behaviour. In the absence of clear documentation showing what @MainActor should to, I can’t tell.
Either way – marking methods with @MainActor does not ensure that they run on the main thread.
Update: Warnings Available…
If you’re writing Swift concurrency code, add these compiler flags:
returned from Background - now running off main thread
calling mainDate in doWork
warning: data race detected: @MainActor function at MainActorExample/ViewController.swift:26 was not called on the main thread
2022-01-17 14:43:40.786070+0000 MainActorExample[4407:7439502] warning: data race detected: @MainActor function at MainActorExample/ViewController.swift:26 was not called on the main thread
@MainActor var - main: false
warning: data race detected: @MainActor function at MainActorExample/ViewController.swift:31 was not called on the main thread
2022-01-17 14:43:40.811866+0000 MainActorExample[4407:7439502] warning: data race detected: @MainActor function at MainActorExample/ViewController.swift:31 was not called on the main thread
@MainActor func - in doWork - main: false
This does show runtime a bunch of warnings.
‘cannot use parameter ‘self’ with a non-sendable type ‘ViewController’ from concurrently-executed code’ and
‘cannot call function returning non-sendable type ‘Date’ across actors’
I’ll experiment some more…
Update 2: Models get errors!
Moving the exact same code out of the NSViewController and into a separate class (that inherits from nothing) causes the expected compiler warnings to kick in.
It seems that my model is ‘Sendable’ – so now the compiler can do magic. This feels like an important limitation that should be in BIG BOLD LETTERS in the documentation…
Interestingly, when this code is moved to a separate model, calling self.mainDate without async causes an error. However in the original ViewController version – adding an async (async self.mainDate) generates a warning
‘no ‘async’ operations occur within ‘await’ expression’
About a year ago, I decided to give up reporting bugs to Apple. Like many others, I got fed up of them simply being ignored.
At WWDC in in June of 2021, I signed up for a SwiftUI lab, and showed the two Apple engineers a bug that had been annoying me. The bug is small enough to fit in a tweet:
That code should produce two buttons and a segmented picker.
However, if you run it on a Mac in Catalyst, without the ‘optimise for Mac’ option, then as soon as you click on Button A – the picker becomes completely unresponsive.
We poked about a bit, confirmed that it really was a bug, and dug into the root cause (the button is leaving a gesture recogniser in an incorrect state)
There was no fix – but the pair told me that I should definitely submit a bug report.
When I explained that I had given up on bug reports – they assured me that their team didn’t ignore reports. They love simple reproducible cases like this, and I should absolutely submit.
Fool me twice
I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt.
I went back to feedback reporter and found that I had actually reported this bug in December 2020. Nonetheless, I updated it to confirm that it was still broken on the latest OS and actually resubmitted under my company account with some discussion of the conversation I had at the lab.
The bug (FB8925084) includes the relevant code and a sample project.
The re-submission has never had any response at all.
My initial personal submission has the following history:
9/Feb – I confirm that it is broken in Monterey beta
2/July – Apple report that this is fixed in 11.3.1 (it isn’t)
3/July – I confirm it is not fixed. Still broken in 11.4 and latest Monterey beta
26/July – I confirm still broken in latest Monterey beta
12/Aug – I confirm still broken in Monterey beta 5
What now?
SwiftUI & Catalyst are important platforms. This bug is remarkably simple to trigger.
It feels like the kind of thing that Apple should care about.
I certainly care about it – the underlying problem of bad gesture handling causes a bunch of issues in one of my apps.
Clearly reporting bugs is a waste of time though. I guess we just have to wait until Apple hit this in one of their own apps and have cause to care.
Update 31 Aug
Stil broken in Beta 6 (reported)
Update 4th Sept from Apple:
“Your feedback is important to us”
Update October 2021
It looks like Apple have finally addressed this in a Monterey beta.
I commented earlier:
‘ I guess we just have to wait until Apple hit this in one of their own apps and have cause to care.’
And I suspect that is exactly what happened. The Shortcuts app in Monterey looks like it has been hitting this issue (or a related one).
I certainly don’t think my feedback helped to get things fixed. There has been no update to my report from Apple.
tldr; Multi Monitor Wallpaper can give you the daytime images for your dynamic wallpaper even if you use dark mode.
One of the trickier things that Multi Monitor Wallpaper does is pull apart dynamic wallpapers so that it can build separate ones for each of your monitors. It then puts them back together again.
These dynamic wallpapers should change with the sun – but they don’t always.
Sometimes, it is just one of Apple’s many frustrating bugs* around wallpapers.
Sometimes it is something that looks like it was intended as a feature.
One of those is the feature where dynamic wallpapers can declare which images are suitable for dark mode. Sometimes, the operating system will honour that declaration. When you switch to dark mode, even in the middle of the day, it will show you an evening/night image.
I thought Big Sur had stopped doing this, but it turns out the behaviour is just intermittent. On my iMac right now, the Catalina wallpaper shows based on the current time whatever your mode. The Big Sur wallpaper switches to match the mode.
On my Macbook air, they were both switching earlier today – but now neither is switching.
I have no idea what is causing this inconsistent behaviour. I have pulled out the metadata and they both have the same structure.
However – I can fix it so that you can see all the images whatever your mode.
Multi Monitor Wallpaper now has a setting (enabled by default) which simply tells the operating system that every image is suitable for use at night. This is based on the fantastic work by Marcin Czachurski.
You can turn this off if you prefer. In that case, you’ll get Apple’s default and unpredictable behaviour. It might show dark images when you use dark mode. It might not!
*for example the popup display bug reported when Mojave was in beta here, or the bug I have reported where disconnecting and re-connecting screens can corrupt the wallpaper settings database, or the bug where picking a still desktop means that wallpapers set via the API are also stuck in still mode. I could go on…
tl;dr – Apple policy may now say they won’t hold up your urgent bugfix, but that doesn’t stop them holding it ‘in review’ for an unusually long time so that it is never actually released…
I have had plenty of ‘robust discussions’ with App Review. Sometimes they come round to my way of thinking – I have had several appeals approved. Sometimes Apple just isn’t budging. Until this occasion though they have always been polite and engaged in good faith. I have never felt that a reviewer was punishing me out of spite. This time, I feel like I really got a ‘Bad Apple’ at Apple.
This particular Apple Review nightmare kicked off when a reviewer decided that my bugfix release:
Enabled auto-launch without the user’s permission
Had an app preview video which breaks the rules
Convincing them that they were wrong about #1 was easy. I just had to show the screenshot where my app asks the user if they want to enable the recommended settings and explicitly lists ‘auto-launch’ as one that will be enabled.
Number 2 was harder. Here is the video causing the problem:
For context, this video has been in place for about 18 months, and has (successfully) gone through about 30 reviews so far. You can see it now in the app store listing.
Multi Monitor Wallpaper is an app that sets the wallpaper across multiple monitors. It really needs a way in the app preview to show the multiple monitors in action. So – it ‘zooms out’ allowing you to see the full effect.
This, my reviewer insists breaches the (unwritten) rule
Your app preview includes content that does not sufficiently reflect the app in use. Specifically, your preview:
– Includes device images and/or device frames.
I understand where the frames thing comes from. Apple don’t want a video of people using their Mac in the coffee shop with the app running. They want to see the app itself.
In my case though – the monitors (and frames) _are_ the app. I think that makes this a reasonable and honest app preview. The reviewers when I first submitted the preview 18 months ago obviously agree, and none of the 30ish reviews since then have had a problem with it.
Nonetheless, my reviewer wasn’t budging. They said:
We advise appeal this review by sending a request to the App Review Board. As you may be aware, the App Review Board was created for developers to appeal an app review they have concerns with. Once the App Review Board has completed their evaluation, they will contact you directly.
Recently, Apple published new guidelines which promised developers that
Bug Fix Submissions: For apps that are already on the App Store, bug fixes will no longer be delayed over guideline violations except for those related to legal issues.
I really like the new policy. It seems reasonable. This certainly was a bug fix submission. It fixes a crashing bug when users click on one of my image search providers (Unsplash)
I asked:
I did see your message suggesting that I should appeal to the app review board. I’m will do that today.
In the meantime, there is a significant bug which this version fixes (there is an immediate crash if you click to browse Unsplash). As per your press release, I understand that ‘bug fixes will no longer be delayed over guideline violations except for those related to legal issues.’, so would appreciate it if you could publish this update as soon as possible.
And, I submitted my appeal, and copied it into the resolution centre to keep my reviewer up to date.
Hello Rob,
At this time, you will need to follow the pending guidance from the App Review Board.
I explained that I wasn’t aware of any pending guidance and asked again
Bug Fix Submissions: For apps that are already on the App Store, bug fixes will no longer be delayed over guideline violations except for those related to legal issues.[…]
this is a bug fix submission. I haven’t changed the AppPreview video. I would like to take advantage of this process. I will address this issue in my next submission if my appeal is not supported by the Appeal Board
still ‘computer says no’
Hello Rob,
Thank you for your response.
To clarify, the App Review Board will be in contact with you, as you currently have a pending appeal.
Best regards,
I tried again
I’m happy for the review board to be in contact with me. As you say – I have a pending appeal (at your explicit suggestion)
Apple have communicated publicly (via press release and direct email) that ‘bug fixes will no longer be delayed over guideline violations except for those related to legal issues.’
If this is indeed a guideline violation, it certainly doesn’t relate to legal issues.
I’m asking you to honour that explicit public commitment.
that got me close to what I needed
Thank you for providing this information.
If this is a bug fix submission, you may elect to have it approved at this time.
If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please respond in Resolution Center to confirm that you can address these issues in your next submission. Additionally, please let us know if you have any questions about how to resolve these issues. If you believe this decision was made incorrectly, you may appeal your app rejection. You may also provide feedback on our review guidelines.
well – I must admit I thought the reviewer was just throwing up an extra step here to be annoying, but I confirmed. Shortly later, I got the promising response
Thank you for providing this information.
We will continue the review, and we will notify you if there are any further issues.
Now. We need a little diversion. How long does a review take? I have put quite a few updates on Multi Monitor Wallpaper.
This is how long the recent reviews took from the point where they moved to the ‘In Review’ status.
9-Sept, 5 mins
8 Sept, 16 mins
25 July, 20mins
23 July, 20 mins
21 July, 24 mins
16 July, 7 hrs
24 Jun, 1hr 40mins
11 Jun, 6hrs
Mostly about 20 mins. Sometimes 6 or 7 hours.
How long do you think it takes for a very simple bugfix with no changes to the overall app – where Apple is allowing it through because of their commitment ‘not to hold up bugfix releases’ ?
I don’t know the answer to that.
My app changed status to ‘In Review’ on the 11 Sep 2020 at 23:27
It has been over 60 hours so far and I am still waiting.
After 24 hours, I even submitted a request for an expedited review. That was granted – but nothing has happened yet.
Perhaps I have just been unlucky, and the reviewer who seemed to deliberately throw up steps to avoid allowing my bugfix until I asked whether Apple were good to their word; Perhaps that reviewer just had a family emergency and accidentally left my app in the queue.
I think they’re punishing me.
They’re also punishing our shared customers who currently have to use a crashing app.
I’ll keep this post updated.
Update. 68 hours after moving to ‘In Review’, Multi Monitor Wallpaper was finally approved.
Remember that this was the process to ‘not hold up an urgent bugfix release’
Note – quotes of discussions with App Review are fairly heavily edited for brevity, in that they don’t show everything said. Everything quoted is verbatim though.
If any press want full details, I’ll be happy to share the complete conversation.
Both the Apple App Store, and the Google Play store allow business accounts to have multiple users.
This means that my client (the app owner) can own their account, and they can let me (the developer) do what I need to to develop and publish apps.
This means we don’t have to share passwords, and the account holder can limit what I have access to. So, for example I might be able to update apps – but I can’t see their financial reports. This all makes lots of sense.
Unfortunately, both Apple and Google have technical actions where they require the account holder to perform them. Because the actions are pretty technical, if the account holder is a business owner rather than a techie – they probably don’t have the skills to perform them. I hit these both recently.
In both cases, they’re important security-sensitive actions. For Apple – it was creating Developer ID Certificates to let me upload a MacOS Catalyst app to the store. For Google, it was enabling API access to automate uploading new builds.
Both of these actions are absurdly technical for a non-tech person to complete. Follow the links if you want the gory details!*
This means that the only practical way to perform these necessary actions (if you’re not physically located in the same place) is for the account owner to share their password with me the developer. This is clearly terrible security practice – and exactly what the multi-user system is set up to avoid.
I completely understand that these are security-critical steps. It makes sense that the account holder should have some kind of approval when they happen. This could be an explicit post-action approval:
‘Rob has requested XXXX – this is a critical security issue. Do you want to approve this action’
Or it could be a time-limited user permission:
‘Grant Rob permission to do XXX for the next 24 hours’
The current system achieves the opposite of what it sets out to do. It sets out to keep security-critical actions safe, but what it encourages is that the developer probably gets the account holder’s password and complete access to everything.
*for bonus foolishness – in the case of the Apple action. Xcode will automatically generate your certificates if you add the account holder’s account to Xcode. This means that it is complicated and techie for the business person to perform the actions (they don’t have Xcode installed) – but automated for the developer if they can just get the account holder’s password.