All posts by ConfusedVorlon

Translate Me!

I added a bunch of new features recently, and that means that a lot of the strings are not translated into your language.

The answer is simple – log in to and update the translations!

Users have translated VLC remote into 15 languages, but you can update those translations, improve them, or add new languages altogether!

Thanks in advance,


DVD Controls (and more!)

I finally figured a way to get VLC to accept DVD controls from the remote.

It’s all there in VLC remote 4.0 – so update now.

Please note though – you will have to run the latest setup helper again (version 2.5 or higher) even if VLC remote is already working for you. This is because it needs to make some additional changes to VLC’s files in order for DVD controls to work.

4.0 also features
-aspect ratio control
-subtitle control
-audio track control
-delays control
-multitouch sliders (more on that later)


And if you enjoy the update, please do leave a review at iTunes. They really help me.

News Feed fix…

It turns out there is a bad feed in the current default feed list.
Slate is pointing to the wrong address.
The problem is that news feed doesn’t deal with this properly – which stops notifications, and disables the ‘update all feeds’ preference.

The quick fix is to delete the slate newsfeed, or point it to

I have uploaded a new version which deals with bad feeds and just gets on with things. Hopefully Palm will approve it shortly.

News Feed – New free app

Hi Folks,

Palm just published News Feed – my latest app.

Actually, it is only partly my app. Palm wrote most of the code and I just tweaked it for release.

Nonetheless – it is a powerful and fully featured RSS news reader. It lets you download feeds and read them offline. It comes bundled with a selection of feeds, but you can easily add your own.

One user asked me in the Hobbyist forum whether I intend to charge for News Feed in future.

My plan at the moment is to keep it free and just incorporate any major changes that Palm include in the open source.

If there is lots of demand for more features, then I might decide to do more work on the app and start charging.

It’s the first time I have had to pay to publish a free app (palm charges $50 per app) – but I’m hoping that it will act as an advertisement for my other apps.

So please download News Feed, and please read the Hobbyist news feed, and try my other apps!

You can get News Feed here.


Converty aims to let you do conversions with the absolute minimum of taps and keypresses.

Here is what other apps do: 1) select currency to convert from, 2) select currency to convert to 3) enter value 4) press go.

Converty works like this 1) enter the value in the row for the currency of your choice

Converty immediately converts the value to all your preferred currencies.

Rates are updated online whenever you like.

For Units – Converty works much the same – except it does need an extra step for you to choose the kind of measurement.

Try it out here.

Remote for iTunes

I can never quite figure out the best way to name this app. Sometimes I call it Remote, Sometimes iTunes Remote.

Anyway – it’s a remote control for iTunes.

It works with the iTunes helper app that we wrote for PC and Mac software and it gives you full control of iTunes.

You can browse and search playlists, search by album, artist or genre. You can see album art and change the volume, track, etc.

Give it a try here, or you can try the free light version here.

Remote 0.1.9 uploaded

Hi Folks,

I just updated 0.1.9 with a few new features

1) You can tap on album art to show the art fullscreen

2) You can scroll the art to skip to the next or previous track.

I also updated the Mac Helper to handle some string display issues (album and artist).

The free version is uploaded now, and the paid version will follow as soon as Palm approves it.

